    eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
        if $running_under_some_shell;

# Pod::RefEntry -- Convert POD data to DocBook RefEntry
# Copyright 2005, 2006 by Chas Williams <chas@cmf.nrl.navy.mil>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
# based on:
# Pod::PlainText -- Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text.
# $Id: Text.pm,v 2.1 1999/09/20 11:53:33 eagle Exp $
# Copyright 1999-2000 by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.

package Pod::RefEntry;

require 5.005;

use Carp qw(carp);
use Pod::Select ();

use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA %ESCAPES $VERSION);

# We inherit from Pod::Select instead of Pod::Parser so that we can be used
# by Pod::Usage.
@ISA = qw(Pod::Select);

$VERSION = '0.06';

# This table is taken near verbatim from Pod::PlainText in Pod::Parser,
# which got it near verbatim from the original Pod::Text.  It is therefore
# credited to Tom Christiansen, and I'm glad I didn't have to write it.  :)
    'amp'       =>    '&amp;',      # ampersand
    'lt'        =>    '&lt;',      # left chevron, less-than
    'gt'        =>    '&gt;',      # right chevron, greater-than
    'quot'      =>    '"',      # double quote

# Initialize the object.  Must be sure to call our parent initializer.
sub initialize {
    my $self = shift;

    $$self{hlevel}   = 0  unless defined $$self{hlevel};
    $$self{ltype}    = 0  unless defined $$self{ltype};
    $$self{lopen}    = 0  unless defined $$self{lopen};
    $$self{indent}   = 2  unless defined $$self{indent};
    $$self{width}    = 76 unless defined $$self{width};
    $$self{refnamediv} = 0;

    $$self{LSTATE}   = [];
    $$self{MARGIN}   = 0;               # Current left margin in spaces.


sub begin_pod {
    my $self = shift;

    $self->output ("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");

sub end_pod {
    my $self = shift;
    my $i;

    for($i = 4; $i > 0; --$i) {
	if ($$self{hlevel} >= $i) {
	    $self->{MARGIN} -= 2;
            #$self->output ("</refsection>\n");
            $self->output (sprintf "</refsect%d>\n", $i);

    $self->{MARGIN} -= 2;
    $self->output ("</refentry>\n");

# Called for each command paragraph.  Gets the command, the associated
# paragraph, the line number, and a Pod::Paragraph object.  Just dispatches
# the command to a method named the same as the command.  =cut is handled
# internally by Pod::Parser.
sub command {
    my $self = shift;
    my $command = shift;
    return if $command eq 'pod';
    return if ($$self{EXCLUDE} && $command ne 'end');
    $self->item ("\n") if defined $$self{ITEM};
    $command = 'cmd_' . $command;
    $self->$command (@_);

# Called for a verbatim paragraph.  Gets the paragraph, the line number, and
# a Pod::Paragraph object.  Just output it verbatim, but with tabs converted
# to spaces.
sub verbatim {
    my $self = shift;
    return if $$self{EXCLUDE};
    $self->item if defined $$self{ITEM};
    local $_ = shift;
    return if /^\s*$/;
    $$self{MARGIN} += 2;
    my $saved = $$self{MARGIN};
    $$self{MARGIN} = 0;
    $self->output ("<programlisting>\n");
    $self->output ($_);
    $self->output ("</programlisting>\n");
    $$self{MARGIN} = $saved;

sub escapes {
    (undef, local $_) = @_;

# Called for interior sequences.  Gets a Pod::InteriorSequence object
# and is expected to return the resulting text.
sub sequence {
    my ($self, $seq) = @_;

    my $cmd_name = $seq->cmd_name;

    $seq->left_delimiter( '' );
    $seq->right_delimiter( '' );
    $seq->cmd_name( '' );
    $_ = $seq->raw_text;

    if ($cmd_name eq 'B') {
	$_ = sprintf "<emphasis role=\"bold\">%s</emphasis>", $_;
    } elsif ($cmd_name eq 'C') {
	$_ = sprintf "<computeroutput>%s</computeroutput>", $_;
    } elsif ($cmd_name eq 'F') {
	$_ = sprintf "<replaceable>%s</replaceable>", $_;
    } elsif ($cmd_name eq 'I') {
	$_ = sprintf "<emphasis>%s</emphasis>", $_;
    } elsif ($cmd_name eq 'S') {
	# perhaps translate ' ' to &nbsp;
	$_ = sprintf "%s", $_;
    } elsif ($cmd_name eq 'L') {
	$_ = $self->seq_l ($seq);
    } elsif ($cmd_name eq 'E') {
	if (defined $ESCAPES{$_}) {
            $_ = $ESCAPES{$_} if defined $ESCAPES{$_};
	} else {
            carp "Unknown escape: E<$_>";
    } else {
	carp "\nUnknown sequence $cmd_name<$_>\n";

    my $parent = $seq->nested;
    if (defined $parent) {

        if ($parent->cmd_name eq 'B') {
	    $_ = sprintf "</emphasis>%s<emphasis role=\"bold\">", $_;
	} elsif ($parent->cmd_name eq 'C') {
	    $_ = sprintf "</computeroutput>%s<computeroutput>", $_;
	} elsif ($parent->cmd_name eq 'F') {
	    $_ = sprintf "</replaceable>%s<replaceable>", $_;
	} elsif ($parent->cmd_name eq 'I') {
	    $_ = sprintf "</emphasis>%s<emphasis>", $_;

    return $_;

# Called for a regular text block.  Gets the paragraph, the line number, and
# a Pod::Paragraph object.  Perform parse_text and output the results.
sub textblock {
    my $self = shift;
    return if $$self{EXCLUDE};
    $self->output ($_[0]), return if $$self{VERBATIM};
    local $_ = shift;
    my $line = shift;
    my $name;
    my $purpose;

#    /<http:.*>/ && do {
#        s/<http:([^>]+)\>/<ulink url=\"http:\1\">http:\1<\/ulink>/;
#    };
#    /<.*@.*>/ && do {
#        s/<([^>]+@[^>]+)>/<email>\1<\/email>/g;
#    };

    $_ = $self->parse_text(
	{ -expand_text => q(escapes),
	  -expand_seq => q(sequence) },
					$_, $line ) -> raw_text();

    if (defined $$self{ITEM}) {
        $self->item ($_ . "\n");
    } elsif ($self->{refnamediv}) {
	($name, $purpose) = /(.+)\s+\-\s+(.+)/;
	my $id = $name;
	$id =~ s/,.*$//;		# only reference by first entry?
	$id =~ s/[ \.,\(\)]/_/g;
	if (defined $$self{section}) {
	    $id = sprintf "%s%d", $id, $$self{section};
	$self->output ("<refentry id=\"$id\">\n");
	$self->{MARGIN} += 2;
	if (defined $$self{section}) {
	    $self->output ("<refmeta>\n");
	    $self->{MARGIN} += 2;
	    $self->output (sprintf "<refentrytitle>%s</refentrytitle>\n",  $name);
	    $self->output (sprintf "<manvolnum>%d</manvolnum>\n",  $$self{section});
	    $self->{MARGIN} -= 2;
	    $self->output ("</refmeta>\n");
	$self->output ("<refnamediv>\n");
	$self->{MARGIN} += 2;
	$self->output ("<refname>$name</refname>\n");
	$self->output ("<refpurpose>$purpose</refpurpose>\n");
	$self->{MARGIN} -= 2;
	$self->output ("</refnamediv>\n");
	$self->{refnamediv} = 0;
    } else {
	$self->output ("<para>" . $_ . "<\/para>" . "\n\n");

# Level headings.
sub cmd_head {
    my $self = shift;
    local $_ = shift;
    my $line = shift;
    my $level = $self->{level};
    my $i;

    for($i = 4; $i > 0; --$i) {
	if ($level <= $i) {
	    if ($$self{hlevel} >= $i) {
		$$self{MARGIN} -= 2;
		#$self->output (sprintf "</refsection>\n", $i);
		$self->output (sprintf "</refsect%d>\n", $i);

    # special, output next <para> as <refnamediv>
    if ($level == 1 && $_ =~ /NAME/) {
	$self->{refnamediv} = 1;

    #$self->output (sprintf "<refsection>\n", $level);
    $self->output (sprintf "<refsect%d>\n", $level);
    $$self{MARGIN} += 2;
    $_ = $self->parse_text(
	{ -expand_text => q(escapes),
	  -expand_seq => q(sequence) },
					$_, $line ) -> raw_text();
    if (/^[A-Z ]+$/) {
	s/(\w+)/\u\L$1/g if $level == 1;	# kill capitalization
    $self->output ("<title>" . $_ . "<\/title>" . "\n");
    $$self{hlevel} = $level;

# First level heading.
sub cmd_head1 {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{level} = 1;
    $self->cmd_head (@_);

# Second level heading.
sub cmd_head2 {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{level} = 2;
    $self->cmd_head (@_);

# Third level heading.
sub cmd_head3 {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{level} = 3;
    $self->cmd_head (@_);

sub cmd_head4 {
    my $self = shift;
    # <refsect4> doesnt exist -- we would use <refsection>
    # when it becomes available in 4.4
    printf STDERR "=head4 being rendered as <refsect3>\n";
    $self->{level} = 3;
    $self->cmd_head (@_);

# Start a list.
sub cmd_over {
    my $self = shift;
    local $_ = shift;
    unless (/^[-+]?\d+\s+$/) { $_ = $$self{indent} }
    push (@{ $$self{LSTATE} }, $$self{lopen});
    push (@{ $$self{LSTATE} }, $$self{ltype});
    undef $self->{ltype};
    $$self{lopen} = 0;

# End a list.
sub cmd_back {
    my $self = shift;
    if ($self->{ltype} == 2) {
	$self->{MARGIN} -= 2;
        $self->output ("</listitem>\n");
	$self->{MARGIN} -= 2;
	$self->output ("</orderedlist>\n");
    } elsif ($self->{ltype} == 1) {
	$self->{MARGIN} -= 2;
        $self->output ("</listitem>\n");
	$self->{MARGIN} -= 2;
	$self->output ("</itemizedlist>\n");
    } else {
	$self->{MARGIN} -= 2;
        $self->output ("</listitem>\n");
	$self->{MARGIN} -= 2;
        $self->output ("</varlistentry>\n");
	$self->{MARGIN} -= 2;
	$self->output ("</variablelist>\n");
    $$self{ltype} = pop @{ $$self{LSTATE} };
    $$self{lopen} = pop @{ $$self{LSTATE} };
    unless (defined $$self{LSTATE}) {
        carp "Unmatched =back";
        $$self{MARGIN} = $$self{indent};

# An individual list item.
sub cmd_item {
    my $self = shift;
    if (defined $$self{ITEM}) { $self->item }
    local $_ = shift;
    my $line = shift;
    $$self{ITEM} = $self->parse_text(
	{ -expand_text => q(escapes),
	  -expand_seq => q(sequence) },
					$_, $line ) -> raw_text();

# Begin a block for a particular translator.  Setting VERBATIM triggers
# special handling in textblock().
sub cmd_begin {
    my $self = shift;
    local $_ = shift;
    my ($kind) = /^(\S+)/ or return;
    if ($kind eq 'text') {
        $$self{VERBATIM} = 1;
    } else {
        $$self{EXCLUDE} = 1;

# End a block for a particular translator.  We assume that all =begin/=end
# pairs are properly closed.
sub cmd_end {
    my $self = shift;
    $$self{EXCLUDE} = 0;
    $$self{VERBATIM} = 0;

# One paragraph for a particular translator.  Ignore it unless it's intended
# for text, in which case we treat it as a verbatim text block.
sub cmd_for {
    my $self = shift;
    local $_ = shift;
    my $line = shift;
    return unless s/^text\b[ \t]*\n?//;
    $self->verbatim ($_, $line);

# The complicated one.  Handle links.  Since this is plain text, we can't
# actually make any real links, so this is all to figure out what text we
# print out.
sub seq_l {
    my ($self, $seq) = @_;

    s/>$//;	# remove trailing >

    # Smash whitespace in case we were split across multiple lines.
    s/\s+/ /g;

    # If we were given any explicit text, just output it.
    if (/^([^|]+)\|/) { return $1 }

    # Okay, leading and trailing whitespace isn't important; get rid of it.

    # Default to using the whole content of the link entry as a section
    # name.  Note that L<manpage/> forces a manpage interpretation, as does
    # something looking like L<manpage(section)>.  The latter is an
    # enhancement over the original Pod::Text.
    my ($manpage, $section) = ('', $_);
    if (/^(?:https?|ftp|news):/) {
        # a URL
        return $_;
    } elsif (/^"\s*(.*?)\s*"$/) {
        $section = '"' . $1 . '"';
    } elsif (m/^[-:.\w]+(?:\(\S+\))?$/) {
        ($manpage, $section) = ($_, '');
    } elsif (m%/%) {
        ($manpage, $section) = split (/\s*\/\s*/, $_, 2);


    # Now build the actual output text.
    if (length $section) {
        $section =~ s/^\"\s*//;
        $section =~ s/\s*\"$//;
        $_ = $section;
        $_ .= " in $manpage" if length $manpage;
    if (length $manpage) {
	my $linkend = $manpage;
	$linkend =~ s/[\(\)]//g;
	$linkend =~ s/[ ,\.]/_/g;	# this needs to match <refentry id=
	$seq->prepend("<link linkend=\"$linkend\">");
	return $seq;
    } else {
	return $_;

# This method is called whenever an =item command is complete (in other
# words, we've seen its associated paragraph or know for certain that it
# doesn't have one).  It gets the paragraph associated with the item as an
# argument.  If that argument is empty, just output the item tag; if it
# contains a newline, output the item tag followed by the newline.
# Otherwise, see if there's enough room for us to output the item tag in the
# margin of the text or if we have to put it on a separate line.
sub item {
    my $self = shift;
    local $_ = shift;
    my $tag = $$self{ITEM};
    unless (defined $tag) {
        carp "item called without tag";
    undef $$self{ITEM};
    if ($$self{lopen}) {
        if ($self->{ltype} == 1 || $self->{ltype} == 2) {
	    $self->{MARGIN} -= 2;
	    $self->output ("</listitem>\n");
        } else {
	    $self->{MARGIN} -= 2;
	    $self->output ("</listitem>\n");
	    $self->{MARGIN} -= 2;
	    $self->output ("</varlistentry>\n");
    my $output = $_;
    $output =~ s/\n*$/\n/;
    if (!defined $self->{ltype}) {
	    if ($tag =~ /[0-9]+\./) {
		$self->{ltype} = 2;
		$self->output ("<orderedlist>\n");
	    } elsif ($tag =~ /^\*$/) {
		$self->{ltype} = 1;
		$self->output ("<itemizedlist>\n");
	    } else {
		$self->{ltype} = 0;
		$self->output ("<variablelist>\n");
	    $self->{MARGIN} += 2;
    if ($self->{ltype} == 1 || $self->{ltype} == 2) {
	$self->output ("<listitem>\n");
	$self->{MARGIN} += 2;
	$self->output ("<para>" . $_ . "<\/para>" . "\n\n");
    } else {
	$self->output ("<varlistentry>\n");
	$self->{MARGIN} += 2;
	$self->output ("<term>" . $tag . "</term>" . "\n");
	$self->output ("<listitem>\n");
	$self->{MARGIN} += 2;
	$self->output ("<para>" . $_ . "<\/para>" . "\n\n");
    $$self{lopen} = 1;

# Output text to the output device.
sub output {
    my $self = shift;
    local $_ = shift;
    s/^(\s*\S+)/(' ' x $$self{MARGIN}) . $1/gme;
    print { $self->output_handle } $_;


# pod2refentry -- Convert POD data to DocBook RefEntry
# Copyright 2005, 2006 by Chas Williams <chas@cmf.nrl.navy.mil>
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.
# based on:
# pod2text -- Convert POD data to formatted ASCII text.
# Copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 by Russ Allbery <rra@stanford.edu>
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.

package main;

require 5.004;

use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);

use strict;

# Silence -w warnings.
use vars qw($running_under_some_shell);

# Insert -- into @ARGV before any single dash argument to hide it from
# Getopt::Long; we want to interpret it as meaning stdin (which Pod::Parser
# does correctly).
my $stdin;
@ARGV = map { $_ eq '-' && !$stdin++ ? ('--', $_) : $_ } @ARGV;

# Parse our options.
my %options;
GetOptions (\%options, 'help|h', 'indent|i=i', 'section|s=i' ) or exit 1;
pod2usage (1) if $options{help};

# Initialize and run the formatter.
my $parser = Pod::RefEntry->new (%options);
$parser->parse_from_file (@ARGV);