$VERSION = '1.00';
# XAlbum2Rss - Generate RSS Feed from Photo Album XML, (see XPhotoAlbum.pl)
# Version 1.00
# Get docs and newest version from
# http://www.neystadt.org/XPhotoAlbum/
# Copyright (c) 2005, John Neystadt
# You may install this script on your site for free
# To obtain permision for redistribution or any other usage
# contact john@neystadt.org.
# Drop me a line if you deploy this script on your site.
=head1 NAME
XAlbum2Rss.pl v1.00 - XML Photo Album Script RSS Feed Generator
use XML::DOM;
use XML::RSS;
use Image::ExifTool;
use File::stat;
use POSIX;
my ($DateFormat) = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+02:00'; # '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT+2';
my ($FeedSize) = 100;
if ($#ARGV < 1) {
print STDERR "Usage: $0
Will print RSS feed on the output\n.";
die 1;
my ($IndexFile, $PictureRoot) = @ARGV;
$PictureRoot .= '/'
if !($PictureRoot =~ q|/$|);
my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser;
my $doc = $parser->parsefile ($IndexFile);
my $album = $doc->getChildNodes ()->item (0);
die "Can't load XML file $IndexFile" if (!$doc || !$album);
my $PicturePath = $album->getAttribute ('PATH');
$PicturePath .= '/'
if !($PicturePath =~ q|/$|);
my $children = $album->getChildNodes ();
my $anno;
for (0..$children->getLength ()-1) {
my $child = $children->item ($_);
if ($child->getNodeName eq 'ANNOTATION') {
$anno = $child->getFirstChild ()->getData ();
my $rss = new XML::RSS (version => '1.0');
title => $album->getAttribute ('TITLE'),
link => $album->getAttribute ('LINK'),
description => $anno,
dc => {
date => getNowTime(),
subject => $album->getAttribute ('TITLE'),
creator => $album->getAttribute ('AUTHOR'),
publisher => $album->getAttribute ('AUTHOR'),
rights => $album->getAttribute ('COPYRIGHT'),
language => 'en-us',
syn => {
updatePeriod => "hourly",
updateFrequency => "1",
updateBase => "1901-01-01T00:00+00:00",
title => "Album Logo",
url => $album->getAttribute ('ICON'),
link => $album->getAttribute ('LINK'),
my @images = sortAlbumImages ($doc);
for (@images [0..$FeedSize-1]) {
last if !$_;
image2Rss ($rss, $_, $album);
print $rss->as_string;
sub image2Rss {
my ($rss, $image, $album) = @_;
my $link = $PicturePath . $image->getAttribute ('HREF');
# Enumerate through parent folders to prepend folder titles
my $elem = $image;
my $title = $image->getFirstChild ()->getData ();
while ($elem) {
$elem = $elem->getParentNode ();
last if $elem->getNodeName () ne 'FOLDER';
$title = $elem->getAttribute ('TITLE') . ' : ' . $title;
my $desc = <$title
$rss->add_item (
title => $title,
link => $link,
description => $desc,
dc => {
subject => $album->getAttribute ('TITLE'),
creator => $album->getAttribute ('AUTHOR'),
date => $image->getAttribute ('DATE'),
sub sortAlbumImages {
my ($doc) = @_;
my @images = $doc->getElementsByTagName ('PICTURE');
my ($f);
foreach (@images) {
my $file = $PictureRoot . $_->getAttribute ('HREF');
my $date = getImageTime ($file);
$f = 0;
if (!$date) {
$f = 1;
$date = getFileTime ($file);
$_->setAttribute ('DATE', $date);
print STDERR "$date\t";
if ($f) { print STDERR "FILE"; } else { print STDERR "EXIF"; }
print STDERR "\t$file\n";
sub ByImageDate {
$b->getAttribute ('DATE') cmp $a->getAttribute ('DATE');
return sort ByImageDate @images;
sub getImageTime {
my ($file) = @_;
my $exifTool = new Image::ExifTool;
$exifTool->Options(Group0 => ['EXIF'], Unknown => 0, DateFormat => $DateFormat);
my $info = $exifTool->ImageInfo($file);
return udef if !$info;
if (exists $info->{'DateTimeOriginal'}) {
return $info->{'DateTimeOriginal'};
} elsif (exists $info->{'ModifyDate'}) {
return $info->{'ModifyDate'};
return undef;
sub getFileTime {
my ($file) = @_;
my $info = stat($file);
die "Can't access referenced file $image!" if !$info;
return POSIX::strftime ($DateFormat, gmtime ($info->mtime));
sub getNowTime {
return POSIX::strftime ($DateFormat, gmtime ());
This simple script can be used to generate RSS feed out of the album file, which you created for XPhotoAlbum.pl. The script can be used for off-Line
RSS generation - add it to your schedule tasks or crontab.
Once you created RSS feed, your friends may add your album to their RSS Reader (http://www.bradsoft.com/feeddemon/), http://www.LiveJournal.com friend lent, or http://my.yahoo.com
personalized portal. Each time you ad a photo, they will instantly see it in their news feed.
=head1 USAGE
Will print RSS feed on the output. You can redirect this into album.rdf file, and use it for RSS feed.
=head1 XML Index File Format
Please see the examples below to understand the format of the files.
=head1 CAVEATS
You need to add few new attributes to you album XML file, which will be used for RSS meta-data:
=item 1
LINK - URL of the full album
=item 2
AUTHOR - Your name
=item 3
COPYRIGHT - Copyright text
For example:
... LINK="http://www.neystadt.org/john/album/" AUTHOR="John Neystadt" COPYRIGHT="John Neystadt" ...
Send your feedback...
Please see http://www.neystadt.org/ for three instances of the albums using this technology.
Particulary examples of the XML index files are located at:
This script requires the C, C and C modules available from CPAN (http://www.cpan.org)
All UNIXes, Windows NT
This simple script can be used to generate RSS feed out of the album file, which you created for XPhotoAlbum.pl. The script can be used for off-Line
RSS generation - add it to your schedule tasks or crontab.
See http://www.neystadt.org/XPhotoAlbum/ for additional details.